Monday, September 17, 2007

My first day on duty

"Damn!!! It's already 11'o clock and I still haven't woken up!!! Damn alarm clock, why didn't you ring!!! Wow, they'll have a good first impression of me at work..." and then I saw the pyramids and the Sphinx outside my window... and then I heard something familiar, a song... the one of my alarm clock...

7:30 : Phew... that was a dream... I got up as soon as the first time my alarm clock rang... That's unusual, but I didn't want to make my dream come true >__<

8:30 : After toiletting, I'm doing my breakfast... Wow, it's been a long time I haven't prepared my breakfast... How many spoon of chocolate in my bowl already? ^__^;

9:30 - 13:00 : New mission, new people. They explain how to get my job done, but I was so asleeeeeeep >____< I was almost snoring on my chair... ack ¬__¬U

Lunch time : at last!!! But everybody had an appointment outside, so I ate alone my daily portion of fat and sugar ( aaaah McDonald's... always here when everybody's gone. At least, there are some certainties in this world )

13:40 : Back to my computer... Damn, I shouldn't have eaten so much, now I'm even more asleep... And I'm supposed to listen to some more explanations... It's gonna be a looooong afternoon... >__<

16:37 : Cursing the continuum, why this clock is going so slow?!?

16:38 : What?! only a minute later?!? I'm gonna die before tonight...

16:39 : A little web surfing can't be bad, huh? Let's see... any funny stuff? a Pornstar name generator? Damn, a female co-worker saw my screen... hem... {Alt+tab}

16:42 : Back to (faking my) work...

17:20 : Some co-worker entered the room and chatted with everybody. Hah, it's not very interesting, but it's not work... I take it!

18:45 : The co-worker left. Wow, weather is surprisingly a very good subject to debate! Especially after this summer...
Now, I can fake my work for 15 additional minutes, and I'm free, with a good conscience ^^

I really hope that tomorrow will be a more interesting day... Maybe we'll talk about the reproduction of the salmons...

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