Tuesday, September 18, 2007

Second day : better day...

You're probably not interested, but my second day went better.
I've even been efficient in my work! \o/
Actually, I've been made to...
1st reason : The boss came back from his vacation...
2nd reason : The Internet is so buggy at work, that you don't even enjoy your surfing...
Weirdly, it's mostly lagging on the forum on which I'm used to going...

Baah, working a little is not so bad after all, I guess...

Nevertheless, my co-workers seems to stay late for work... I don't want to stay after 7pm, or else what would be the point of getting a job near the house?!? ( In my previous job, I left the office at 6pm and was at home at the same hour as now -__-; )
I hope I'll find a way to escape sooner the next day!

Ok, enough about me... Have you read about this Chinese guy who played 3 days non-stop in a cyber-cafe at some online game and died lamely on his keyboard?
Damn, the Matrix really had him...
I guess that some of these new generation cyber-warriors are proud to die a mouse in the hand, the face laid down, the left cheek imprinted with the F,G,H,J-buttons... They may pursue their Second Life in some cyber-valhalla where they can fest with all their pixelated M.I.A. friends around a 3D-high-resolution boar... That may be comforting for some...
But that's not something I wanna try anyway...
I'm not a fan of game meat...

Monday, September 17, 2007

My first day on duty

"Damn!!! It's already 11'o clock and I still haven't woken up!!! Damn alarm clock, why didn't you ring!!! Wow, they'll have a good first impression of me at work..." and then I saw the pyramids and the Sphinx outside my window... and then I heard something familiar, a song... the one of my alarm clock...

7:30 : Phew... that was a dream... I got up as soon as the first time my alarm clock rang... That's unusual, but I didn't want to make my dream come true >__<

8:30 : After toiletting, I'm doing my breakfast... Wow, it's been a long time I haven't prepared my breakfast... How many spoon of chocolate in my bowl already? ^__^;

9:30 - 13:00 : New mission, new people. They explain how to get my job done, but I was so asleeeeeeep >____< I was almost snoring on my chair... ack ¬__¬U

Lunch time : at last!!! But everybody had an appointment outside, so I ate alone my daily portion of fat and sugar ( aaaah McDonald's... always here when everybody's gone. At least, there are some certainties in this world )

13:40 : Back to my computer... Damn, I shouldn't have eaten so much, now I'm even more asleep... And I'm supposed to listen to some more explanations... It's gonna be a looooong afternoon... >__<

16:37 : Cursing the continuum, why this clock is going so slow?!?

16:38 : What?! only a minute later?!? I'm gonna die before tonight...

16:39 : A little web surfing can't be bad, huh? Let's see... any funny stuff? a Pornstar name generator? Damn, a female co-worker saw my screen... hem... {Alt+tab}

16:42 : Back to (faking my) work...

17:20 : Some co-worker entered the room and chatted with everybody. Hah, it's not very interesting, but it's not work... I take it!

18:45 : The co-worker left. Wow, weather is surprisingly a very good subject to debate! Especially after this summer...
Now, I can fake my work for 15 additional minutes, and I'm free, with a good conscience ^^

I really hope that tomorrow will be a more interesting day... Maybe we'll talk about the reproduction of the salmons...

Sunday, September 16, 2007

My first post!

There it is : my first post!

I decided to have a blog just for myself! Yep, how courageous of me! Thanks for your support! ^^
A quick introduction of myself? Oh ok, why not. I'm currently a young, handsome :D and healthy 25-year-old boy . I live happily with my girlfriend in Paris, France.
That's about all you need to know about my background. ^^
I like movies, videogames, travels, the Corrs, watching beautiful girls ^o^; and... I have to admit, badmouthing about people around me (L'Oréal, because they're worth it ^__^U ) ¬__¬; haha! That will be the main subjects of this blog, so now you're warned ^^

Well, I'll begin nicely by talking about my holidays... They're already over!!!!
Tomorrow, I have to go back to work!!! After complaining about our nice sh**ty summer with nothing but grey clouds and coldness, I now realize that one of the most wonderful thing about the holidays is not the sun, the sea, the sand or the girls in bikini. No, it's the very fact that you can enjoy the soft awakening in your bed freely without having to stop every 5 minutes that stupid alarm clock >__<
* Roll roll roll* in the sheets... enjoying that warm touch of my girlfriend...
Bam, over! Tomorrow, I'll be cursing my alarm clock and jumping in my cold pants and hurrying to catch my train... What a nice perspective...

And you, what about your comeback to the real life? How did it happen?

P.S. : Apart from that, I did spend a very nice moment in Egypt last week ^^ I'll put the pictures later!