Tuesday, October 9, 2007

The worthless kiss...

...or even worse, the kiss that is worth -€2,000,000.

I'll explain... Today in France was held a trial about art...
On my right, the defendant, a 30-year old woman, and on my left, some rich moron art lover who bought a white frame made by some scammer so-called artist for the modest price of 2 million euros.

The accusation : the defendant kissed the white picture at some art exhibition and left a red mark that makes the "artwork" worthless according to the owner and all the art experts...

The woman seemed to be so aroused by this painting that she just couldn't repress the expression of her love... Aaah the chemistry of Love, female hormone and ... whiteness... Can we really blame her? "Just remember to never let her go in a paper factory and it'll be OK" I'd say.

The judge and the prosecutor didn't have the same opinion. They were talking about "cannibalism", "rape" or "extreme violence" to describe her act. Wow! I know she's not pretty, but that's going a little too far, don't you think?

My opinion is that if the kisser was Natalie Portman, the painting would be now exposed at the Louvre.

Anyway, it seems that she will lose the trial.

What lesson can we learn from that?
1° Never let that witch's lips approach your children. They'll become less-than-worthless scum... The world already has enough of that...

2° If you bring her at home and make her kiss the ground (I don't know how you'd do that, I can't have all the great ideas! I think that if the floor is white, you're already half good), you can always sue her for making your house lose all its value... Make sure that she put some red lipstick.

3° Try not to leave to much whiteness around your girlfriend in case she's struck by the same dicease, that would cost probably a lot more than the wedding ring you are were planning to buy...

Any other lesson?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Good for people to know.